The quality and format of the booking pages on your website are critical in converting “lookers” to bookers. That is why device sensitive booking pages are a ‘must have’.
TXA’s booking pages are device sensitive, industry best and provided at no extra cost. With TXA you control and influence the customer booking process. To make it easy, all of your product information, rates and availability come from a single source.
TXA provides a mobile friendly micro website for customers using mobile phones, and a device sensitive ‘Smart Button’ for your website which senses the originating device and accordingly presents mobile or web booking pages. Have a look at the Smart Button video here and the mobile booking pages here.
We don’t provide or create standard websites but do deliver this as an added benefit at no extra cost so that your own website can accept mobile searches and bookings.
If you want industry best mobile friendly booking pages at no extra cost, just complete the form below and we can help.